Driving your car legally requires a couple of different types of registration, such as license plate, driver’s license, insurance requirements, and even car safety features depending on the state. A driver’s registration can be suspended or revoked on account of a traffic violation, lack of insurance, or problematic driving history. These suspensions aren’t normally permanent and only last for a certain period of time. Your state’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) handles all aspects of car registration and driver licensing. If you have any questions about your state’s laws regarding registered and legal driving, contact your DMV or visit their website. A license or registration suspension specifically suspends the car from being driven on the open road. The driver themselves may still have their driving privileges but in their own car. Not to worry, there are ways to make the reinstatement process easier and perhaps quicker.
A registered license plate, valid driver’s license, and the state’s minimum required auto insurance are needed to drive legally. Driving without any one of these can result in consequences from the DMV. A serious traffic violation or a series of infractions can also cause the DMV to cancel or suspend your plates or license. A similar penalty can also be imposed if you don’t pay your registration fees. The severity depends on the state. In Illinois, licenses are suspended for a temporary amount of time until the associated fees are paid. Alternatively, a payment agreement can be made void along with the registration for the vehicle altogether. Some of the most common ways to get registration suspended are DUIs, unpaid traffic fees like tolls, parking violations, and even underage drivers and unlicensed drivers.
Every state, with the exception of New Hampshire, requires all drivers to carry auto insurance as a form of liability coverage, so any driver they hit is covered for any car damage or injuries they sustain. The main goal is to keep uninsured drivers off the road. Driver’s licenses are a certification that you are able to drive, and your driving history is being tangibly observed by the DMV. Cars themselves are registered with their license plate by the DMV, which also tracks them and certifies that they are legally allowed to be driven on the road. It’s important to keep all these in order as not only your registration can get suspended, but so can your license and insurance.
The most common question related to suspended registration penalties is “how long do these suspensions last?” or “are they permanent?” The short answer is the exact time of suspensions varies from state to state or the severity of the traffic violations. If you were driving without insurance in Illinois and your registration is suspended, you’ll have to pay a $100 reinstatement fee and purchase insurance coverage. Repeat offenders may have to wait up to four months to reapply for registration. Driving with a suspended registration is where the consequences start to become more severe. Fines can reach up to $2,500 and even jail time in some instances.
Remember the trifecta for your state’s driving privileges -registration, driver’s license, and liability insurance. You can stay on top of it all by renewing your license when it expires, paying your insurance rates, and purchasing license plates and registration stickers from the DMV. It’s all part of being a smart and safe driver.
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